Finding clarity on Pescadero Beach

The paper fortune teller I found beside a sandcastle on Pescadero Beach along the coast of California is a quick way to find out whether "you will make a thing cool!!!" "you will catch a fish" or "you will have a bad drim."

Though whether you'll be "rich" or "helthe" or "not have solnting you licke" is up to chance, as you stroll along the mile-long stretch of sand and sea along Highway One 15 miles south of Half Moon Bay, a few things are sure: you'll see rocky outcroppings, vibrant tide pools, skittering sandpipers and rolling fog, you'll appreciate that relatively undeveloped places like this still exist, and you'll want to build an elaborate driftwood fort — or move into one already made that suits your style, like this one:

After your stroll, become master of your own destiny. "Travel to a place that you [will] like" and "have nice things": head four miles down the road to Duarte's Tavern (pronounced Doo-arts), a family-run resaurant that's been around since 1894 in the seaside town of Pescadero. I recommend the thick, creamy artichoke soup and the sweet, flaky olallieberry pie (pronounced oh-lah-leh-berry). Their fresh seafood is tasty too.

Meri Chritmas! I hope you mak a new frend.